5 Steps to Continuous Process Improvement

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

But then complaints start rolling in fromrepparttar field. Products are breaking down faster. Technical support costs rise, and customers start reducing their orders. Not only do profits evaporate, but customer goodwill does too. To offset this, your first reaction might be to switch back torepparttar 103337 old supplier. This is much easier and it fixesrepparttar 103338 immediate problem, but it won't recapturerepparttar 103339 lost sales, customers and damage torepparttar 103340 company’s reputation.

But, again, you need to focus onrepparttar 103341 most important issue. There is a limit torepparttar 103342 amount of costs one can reduce in any process – zero. You can’t reduce costs below zero. Onrepparttar 103343 other hand, there is no limit torepparttar 103344 process potential we can achieve. Process evolution concernsrepparttar 103345 numerator (the output), notrepparttar 103346 denominator (the costs) inrepparttar 103347 efficiency equation above.

Change in Process Evolution = New Output / Old Output (Assuming costs are held constant)

By focusing on process evolution instead of costs we can continue to increase our output forever. We just have to make sure thatrepparttar 103348 output increases faster thanrepparttar 103349 costs. Then what we have is incremental improvement. But what procedures can you use to achieve this?

Process Training

It’s all about collecting feedback to setrepparttar 103350 right priorities for your change process. You need feedback to driverepparttar 103351 change process. The more feedback you getrepparttar 103352 better you will be able to evolve your process. So let’s take a look at what your change process needs to include.

1.Feedback Records with Deficiency Notations 2.Trend Analysis 3.Corrective Action Process and Criteria for action 4.Audit Process 5.Management Review Process

And then ask yourselfrepparttar 103353 following questions about your change process:

•Are process feedback records created? •Haverepparttar 103354 feedback records been analyzed for process deficiencies? •Arerepparttar 103355 deficiencies analyzed for statistical significance? •Arerepparttar 103356 deficiencies of statistical significance written up for corrective action? •Is corrective/preventive action implemented? •Is there an objective review of all processes to ensurerepparttar 103357 change process is working? •Does management review all findings to ensurerepparttar 103358 change process is working -- and that processes are evolving to meet or exceed organizational requirements?

Next week: Business Modeling

With these thoughts in mind, you can see how important it is to first define continuous improvement and note how it can actually affect your business.

But you can't gather feedback from all processes at once. If you did, that would generate a process overload. So where do you start?

Next time we will show you show how when we discuss business modeling. Business modeling prioritizes which core processes you should improve. It tells you which processes are most important to not only achieve your company goals - but also to survive as a profitable business.

Chris Anderson is currently the managing director of Bizmanualz, Inc. and co-author of policies and procedures manuals, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance.

To learn how to increase your business performance, visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Writing a press release

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Your lead paragraph is crucial torepparttar success ofrepparttar 103336 press release. It should contain action words that grasprepparttar 103337 reader's attention, as well as answerrepparttar 103338 five W questions: who, what, when, where and why. The body ofrepparttar 103339 press release should fully developrepparttar 103340 topic. Finally, provide a recap to tie together allrepparttar 103341 details for easy reading and reviewing.

Jakob Jelling isrepparttar 103342 founder of http://www.cashbazar.com. Visit his website forrepparttar 103343 latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.cashbazar.com. Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

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